Youth Train


Future employment in Wexford
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Client description. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque mollis ex eu blandit scelerisque.
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Welcome To Youth Train Wexford

Youth Train in Wexford Town provides a young person aged 16 – 21 years with an opportunity for real and meaningful change. Each learner has their own story and is at a crossroads in their lives. The work to achieve Levels 3 and 4 qualifications offers the staff team a base from which a learner is supported and challenged to progress to further training and employment. Supported by Waterford Wexford ETB and managed by a local Board of Management, Youth Train is an effective support to young people and a support for future employment in Wexford.

Paul O’ Brien – Manager

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Our Centre based programmes are quality assured and linked to the Irish National Framework of Qualifications at level 3 and level 4

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